
What is the logic gate?

Author: Release time: 2024-07-02 02:55:09 View number: 21

Logic gates are the basic components in integrated circuits.


Logic gate is also called "basic unit of digital logic integrated circuit". A circuit that performs logical operations such as OR, AND, NOT, OR NOT, NOT. Any complex logic integrated circuit can be composed of these logic gates. It is widely used in computers, communications, control and digital instruments.


Logical gates perform logical operations by controlling high and low levels (representing logical "true" and "false" or "1" and "0" in binary, respectively).


Common logic gates include AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate, XOR (also known as mutually exclusive or) and so on. Logical gates can be combined to implement more complex logical operations.


By comparing the source devices of the internal circuit of the logic gate, CMOS logic gate circuit is commonly used.


Logic gates form complex integrated circuit components such as addersdecoderstriggers.


CMOS logic gate circuit has good application benefits. First, it has lower power consumption, lower application cost, wider power voltage range, higher logic, stronger anti-jamming ability and higher input impedance. The MOS gate circuit is composed of a series of unipolar MOS transistors. It has a relatively simple manufacturing process, low power consumption, high integration, strong anti-jamming ability and is suitable for the application of large-scale integrated circuits.


In practice, the MOS gate circuit is divided into different types according to the application of its MOS tube. CMOS circuit has special application advantages, such as low static power consumption, strong anti-jamming ability, high stability and high switching speed, so it is widely used.